
A natural Speaker:

2008-6-12-Liesel PR (9)Carolyn Inmon has been speaking in public since she was in high school and won trophies in forensics and service club contests. Ironically, one of her most successful speeches was for the Lion’s Club Student Speaker Contest and it was on the topic of “Community Service A Way of Life.” Today, as a retired educator, she has time to truly live out her goal of engaging in community service.

She still enjoys speaking on topics she is passionate about and the audiences enjoy her speeches as well.

Domestic Abuse Topics:

Seven Characters of Abuse

Carolyn speaks about the main topics discussed in the book of the same name that she and Tanya Brown have just written. Emotional abuse and verbal abuse are less understood than battering but do as much if not more harm. In this unique speech, Carolyn presents a look at the seven elements of non-physical abuse. There is hope and she presents that as well.

Elephant in the Room – The effects of domestic violence on children

There is growing understanding that children are harmed by living in the chaotic world of domestic violence. Carolyn explores the harms created when a child lives with abuse and takes a look at ways to help.  

Communication Topics:

From Fright to Might – Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

Carolyn and her colleagues at Mt. San Antonio College created a text book for the public speaking classes at their college and other colleges. The #1 phobia for humans is the fear of public speaking. Carolyn shows simple steps to overcome this universal fear and gain control of the podium. By doing so the listener increases his/her power and becomes a force to be dealt with.

Humor in the Workplace and in Life

Carolyn has long been interested in the history of humor and if all societies laugh at similar things. She has created this interesting speech on humor and how it helps relieve stress in the workplace and creates enjoyable moments in the personal life.

How to Deal with Difficult People

In this practical and helpful speech, Carolyn shows different types of difficult personalities and suggests practical steps to keep difficult people from overpowering you.

It Was Beautiful, but…The Story of Underachieving Gifted Children

In this speech, Carolyn discusses how negative feedback on school work can sometimes result in a child doing less and less school work. Parents want their children to be successful and have self-confidence but sometimes they do exactly the wrong things. There is hope once parents understand what is happening

To Book Carolyn to speak, please contact her at cinmon@cox.net.